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St Francis of Assisi PS, Balgriffin, Dublin 13

Well-being and Inclusion Week

7th Feb 2025
This week, we celebrated our Well-being and Inclusion Week. Each day, the children were greeted with a different theme, a daily announcement over the intercom that set our intention for the day.  Thank you to 5th class Mr. Mulligan's and Senan and David from 4th classes for their help.  

We also had a lovely walk to Father Collin's Park, Fruit Tasting, Yoga with Ms. Murphy, Dance with Amy Cummins and Fitness Circuits with Mr. Mulligan's 5th Class.  It has been a busy week.  We engaged with lessons on Well-being, being thankful, friendship, kindness and how to help and think of others.  

We took a special look at Autism as part of our Inclusion Week to have a better understanding of what is Autism.  Thank you to Ms. Murphy, Hope and Aaron from 6th Class for presenting to 2nd to 6th and answering children's questions.  

Some of the quotes we heard this week;

"Some of the most wonderful people are the ones who don't fit into boxes." Tori Amos

" It is not inclusion if you invite people into a space, you are unwilling to change." Muma Abdi

"Look for something positive in each day, even if some days, you have to look a bit harder."

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." Joshua J Marine